Here is another simple Doily for you. Method is
similar to the first one with some small changes in the stitch patterns. If you
tried the 1st one, definitely you can make this.
Materials required:
Woolen thread: 1 ball Pink color and 1 ball White color.
Hook size: 10.
Start with 5 ch, join with sl st.
1. 10
dc in the loop, join with sl st to first st.
2. *
[2 dc on next dc]*. Repeat * to * 10times, join with sl st to first st.
3. *[1dc
on next dc, 1 ch]*. Repeat * to * 20 times, join with sl st to first st.
4. *[1dc
on next dc, 1 ch, 1 dc in the chain, 1 ch]*. Repeat * to * 20 times, join with
sl st to first st.
5. *[1dc
on next ch, skip 1 dc, 1 ch]*. Repeat * to * 20 times, join with sl st to first
6. *[1
dc on next dc, 1 dc on 2nd dc, 2 ch, skip 1 ch]*. Repeat * to * 20 times,
join with sl st to first st.
7. *[2
dc on next dc, 2 dc on 2nd dc, 1 ch, skip 2 ch]*. Repeat * to * 20 times,
join with sl st to first st.
8. *[hdc
on each st]*. Repeat * to * all around, join with sl st to first st.
9. Change
color by joining the threads. *[hdc on each st]*. Repeat * to * all around,
join with sl st to first st.
10. *[4
ch, skip 1 dc, 1 sl st on next]*. Repeat * to * all around, join with sl st to
first st.
Now your doily is ready. You can
make bigger ones by increasing
the number of stitches. Try it ………