Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Here is another simple Doily for you. Method is similar to the first one with some small changes in the stitch patterns. If you tried the 1st one, definitely you can make this.

Materials required:

Woolen thread: 1 ball Pink color and 1 ball White  color.
 Hook size: 10.


Start with 5 ch, join with sl st.
1.      10 dc in the loop, join with sl st to first st.
2.      * [2 dc on next dc]*. Repeat * to * 10times, join with sl st to first st.
3.      *[1dc on next dc, 1 ch]*. Repeat * to * 20 times, join with sl st to first st.
4.      *[1dc on next dc, 1 ch, 1 dc in the chain, 1 ch]*. Repeat * to * 20 times, join with sl st to first st.
5.      *[1dc on next ch, skip 1 dc, 1 ch]*. Repeat * to * 20 times, join with sl st to first st.
6.      *[1 dc on next dc, 1 dc on 2nd dc, 2 ch, skip 1 ch]*. Repeat * to * 20 times, join with sl st to first st.
7.      *[2 dc on next dc, 2 dc on 2nd dc, 1 ch, skip 2 ch]*. Repeat * to * 20 times, join with sl st to first st.
8.      *[hdc on each st]*. Repeat * to * all around, join with sl st to first st.
9.      Change color by joining the threads. *[hdc on each st]*. Repeat * to * all around, join with sl st to first st.
10.  *[4 ch, skip 1 dc, 1 sl st on next]*. Repeat * to * all around, join with sl st to first st.

 Note:  Always substitute first dc in a row with 3 chains.

Now your doily is ready. You can make bigger ones by increasing 

the number of stitches. Try it ………

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Here am showing a simple doily for the beginners. Doily means ornamental mat.This protect the wooden furniture from scratches caused by crockery or decorative pieces. 

Materials required:

Woolen thread: 1 ball (any color). Here am using Ivory color.

 Hook size: 10.


Start with 5 ch, join with sl st.
  1.   14 dc in loop, join with sl st to first st.
  2.   *[2 dc on next dc,1 ch, skip 1dc ]*. Repeat * to * 8 times, join with sl st to first st. 
  3.    *[2dc on first dc, 1dc on next dc,2 ch, skip 1 ch ]*. Repeat * to * 8 times, join with sl st to first st.
  4.    *[1 dc on first dc, 2 dc on 2nd dc, 1 dc on 3rd dc,3 ch, skip 2 ch ]*. Repeat * to * 8 times, join with sl st to first st
  5.    dc on each st. Repeat this all around , join with sl st to first st.
  6.    *[4 ch, skip 1 dc, 1 sl st on next ]*. Repeat * to * all around, join with sl st to first st. 

Note:  Always substitute first dc in a row with 3 chains.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Crochet is a process of creating fabric from yarn, woolen thread, or other material strands using a crochet. Basic materials required for crochet are a hook and some woolen threads. It is an interesting craft. There are different basic crochet stitches to learn. Learning is a little difficult but once you got the knowledge and skill you will create wonderful things out of this.

I don’t know how to teach each and every stitches and steps so better you can search it in the internet. There are lots of “free crochet patterns for beginners” are available.

Some most common stitches which we uses in the patterns are chain stitch, slip stitch, single crochet, half single crochet, double crochet, half double crochet, triple crochet etc. By using these we can make shell stitch, puff stitch, V stitch etc.

Using crochet we can make a number of things like table mats, doilies, bags, pouches, dolls, coasters, hair bands etc.

Once you have learned the basic stitches, you will start your first pattern. The crochet patterns are written using many abbreviations and terms, which reduce the space and make patterns easier to read.

Basic stitch


Slip stitch
Sl st
Single crochet
Half double crochet
Double crochet
Triple crochet
Tr or trc

I will share some of my work with you...........