Monday, August 18, 2014

Cute Baby Ear flap Hat

Hi friends ….. 

Thank you for stopping here.

This time I  came with a cute little baby hat.

One of my cousins asked me to make a hat for her baby with ear flaps. Actually this is the first time am trying to make a hat using crochet. I searched so many patterns for the hat and finally I got one pattern. But while making because of the different size of the thread, it look so small for her. Then I added some modifications in the pattern and finally finished it. 
The hat looks like this……

After making this I have doubt that it will fit for her or not.  When she saw this she loved it very much. By God’s grace this came very good and correct fit for her.
I am so happy that she likes this hat.
You can see more exciting things in the coming post …… Wait and See…
Keep in Touch….
Have a Nice Day…